Monday, October 27, 2008

7 things you don't know about me

I’ve been tagged by Liesl.  This is how it works:
1.  I love to bind and cover Bibles with leather and wood.  Here is the first one I ever covered.  It is my Bible.
2.  I have always had a fear of drowning in the open ocean.  Floating in the open ocean and not knowing what lies beneath freaks me out.
3. As a child I was afraid of lightning storms, but now am fascinated by it.

4.  I love biltong more than anything (except for my wife and child).
5.  Dipping my hand into a bowl or barrel of fine rocks, balls, grain or anything like that makes me feel like a child again.   I can’t resist it.
6.  I always hoot the horn of my car when driving through a tunnel.  It is a tradition and I have never missed it once in my life.
7.  I’m so time-conscious that I waste time being punctual.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Leap of faith

What makes your faith grow? I honestly could not tell you if you asked me straight out. I suppose it is a day to day walk with God through trials and tribulation. It is His promises in impossible situations. Even then it grows only little by little at a time. Even the biggest raising the dead miracles only make it grows an inch at a time. By the way just so that you know it is not miracles that produce faith, but faith that produce miracles. Only after that order does fait grow.

If I knew seven months ago that we would go through the impossible in order to get our visas for NZ I would most likely have turned and questioned if this was really from God. He never shows us the whole picture. He calls us and then shows us the way little by little so that we can have only a bit of faith at a time. It is the times when the situation feels so hopeless that we need our fait to stand strong. When people come and say that maybe it is not God’s will or that you may have heard Him wrong, then even if God does not come through, you stand your ground and say you belief in Him and in Him alone.

When God speaks to you and tell you to do something, even if it does not make any sense at all, you do it and trust in Him. Leave no back doors open for escape. There were so many closed doors in the process of getting our visas. Surely there must be qualified people in NZ to do the job, but they could not find any except me. Immigration tried everything to not give our visas, but could just not get it. The process was dragged out beyond belied and still God’s hand prevailed and our faith stood its ground.

What makes faith grow? I still belief it is a day to day walk with God through trials and tribulation. When serious doubt comes along and you stand your ground on God’s promise it will grow.


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