There are two people in the Bible that makes me very uneasy. The first one is Jesus because I want to be like Him. The second is Judas Iscariot because I don’t want to be like him. You see, I look in the mirror and I am supposed to see someone that looks more like Jesus, but instead I see someone who looks more like Iscariot. Poor Judas thought he did the right thing, honestly he thought Jesus was fake and so he did what he thought was best. But me…. I know the Truth, but still I do the wrong thing. I hate the Iscariot in me that shows his face time and time again.
I have broken skin on my knees and bleeding skin on my hands. Oh, how I wish I could say it is from constant prayer, but it is from falling again and again. How many times can one man fall before God does not catch him anymore? Truly His grace is too big to comprehend.
Am I the only Christian that falls, gets up and battles his Iscariots with broken bleeding hands? Am I the only Christian that keeps on pushing forward on a rocky road with bleeding knees? Am I the only one, or are there more of you out there? I can only wonder.
I sit in the dust and it is only Jesus that comes to attend my wounds. I look up and tears stream down my face for He has done it so many times and I fear that this might not be the last. How I hope it is the last, how desperately I hope.