I personally believe that God does not wait to bless us on the grounds of what we accomplish in our spiritual walk; He has already blessed us (Eph 1:3). The blessing is always there. It is for us to take and enjoy. Being holy and obedient is the catalyst of living in that blessing; this is how we experience the blessing. Sin only keeps us from experiencing it. We shoot ourselves in the foot every time we sin. God can never change. It is us who change and then we blame God for this or that, because our spiritual vision becomes distorted.
What is blessing? Is it material things? Is it money? Is it health? Is it love or happiness? Is it safety? Is it comfort? Is it maybe something totally different to what we interpret it? So what is it to be blessed or what is the blessing of the Lord?
In 2 Cor 11:22-33 we read about the Apostle Paul’s sufferings for the Lord. He had little material things. He was not rich. He was not safe from robbers or murderers. His life was far from comfortable. Yet he was blessed by the Lord. What is this blessing from the Lord that we want so badly?
The Ark of the Covenant represented the presence of God. In 2 Sam 6:10-12 we read that the Ark (presence of the Lord) stayed in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite. The Lord’s blessing was on him and his house. This is God’s blessing in our lives: His presence. Have you ever felt His presence in a room or come over you in worship? It is the most awesome experience you can imagine. To have God near you every day; to walk with Him and talk with Him and hear Him talk is the blessing of God.
Sin keeps us from experiencing God’s presence. When His presence is not there we are lost and in the dark. We feel alone and cold, but holiness and obedience brings us right into His presence. All the other things are God’s hand of provision on our lives, but His presence is the true blessing.
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