I must admit, this really bugged me for there were and are times that I don’t understand deeper things in the Word and I feel doubt creep in, but in order not to give doubt a foothold I’m reminded of the Scripture in John 6:53-69. In this scripture, Jesus tells His disciples that if they don’t eat of Him and drink His blood they have no part of Him. Man! That must have sounded really bad to the rest of the group. I probably would have been the first to show my heels. Most of the disciples did not understand what Jesus was saying, and as a result, became the first atheists - from believers who walked with God to atheists who deserted God.
Now here is the pivotal point in my faith: Jesus turned to the twelve and asked them if they were going to bail as well? Peter turned to Him and said something along these lines: “There is no one to whom we can go; You have eternal life, You are God. We have found the Truth. To turn and go somewhere else would be suicide. We don’t understand exactly what You have said, but we trust You”.
Now, there are times that I read the Word and I am not sure what is going on, but I know that I have found God and I choose to put all my trust in Him. I would not know where to go or what to do for He is my all. Even in times when it feels that He is not near or I am far away from Him or when I have fallen for the hundredth time I have to trust and believe.
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