My son is about 18 months now. We were walking on a campus dirt road today. I was walking in front and Josiah-Seth followed with his plastic lawnmower. Now I know there are cars driving on this road also, but they are only permitted to go 20km/h and it is easy to hear them come. He was dawdling and playing more than following me. I kept calling and watched him and made sure that I was at a safe distance should a car pass by. He slowly came wandering in my direction when I heard a car approach; I ran to him and got him out of harm’s way. He knew of nothing and was more upset with the fact that he was disturbed while playing than the fact that he could have been hit by a car. I was just glad nothing happened to him.
Isn’t this a wonderful picture of our Father in heaven? He is always near, watching, calling and protecting. We walk in the road of life with much danger around; not even knowing what might befall us. We meander around and sort of hear God calling us somewhere in the distance. When we get into harm’s way He yanks us out and sometimes it hurts, but it is because He loves us and want to protect us. It reminds me of the verse in Hebrews 13:5 that states He will never leave or forsake us. Wow, what a great promise of comfort. If we as earthly fathers are so protective, how much more will our heavenly Father protect us?
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