There is something I have come to believe in - prayer. We pray for people miles away and God heals them. In the beginning God said…and an entire universe came into being. All of this happened through the power of words. God says that if we want something we must just ask. To ask is to use words. When we use words, when we communicate with God, things happen.
The opposite of this is also true. When we speak bad things we become destroyers. In Proverbs 18:21 we read that life and death lie in the power of the tongue. We can create life or cause death with our words. We generally don’t take words seriously, because we just talk; we don’t really mean this or that. Have you ever said to yourself: “I can’t.” “It is not worth fighting for.” “Experience tells me this will not work.” “I will never get to that level. “ “I might as well give up now.”
We are in the predicaments we find ourselves, because of the words we use. They are like bombs in our own lives.
The battlefield rages with explosives and people running everywhere. Smoke covers the ground and bodies lie scattered. A solder takes up a bazooka and reaches into his ammunition case. He loads it with strife and shoots the nearest person. Then he reaches into his case again and loads his weapon with hate. He fires and the next victim bites the dust. He takes his machine-gun that is loaded with gossip and he mows down every person he can see. Almost everyone he shoots was on his side, but he does not care, because he is a solder in Christ’s army. The medics come out to attend to the wounded. They inject them with encouragement, love, kindness and words of hope. It is the medics that are the true heroes.
We use words like mortars or missiles to take out those around us. We say to others: “You idiot, are you stupid?” “You are such a lazy slob.” “You just won’t cut it.” You can probably think of much stronger, more hurtful words that you have used to harm others. We do this, because we have no idea how powerful our words are.
We all can recall times when people hurt us with their words, but it is the times when someone else’s words build us up that stay with us. Why don’t we become the people who, through the Spirit of God, build others up through our words rather than breaking them down? Let’s not stop there, but also become people that speak words of Life into your our own lives. We are who God said we are - a royal priesthood, a holy nation. That settles that.